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Greetings from Putnam!

Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Re: Greetings from Putnam!
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Monday, July 20, 2020, 3:42 PM

Hi Becca,

Thanks for these beautiful pictures and background on your program.  I'm really glad to hear that your focus areas are climate change and food security, as these are two areas we are hoping to get all MGV programs to focus on with their programming in the coming years.  Thank you for taking the next steps for an online plant sale, I'm sure that was a huge last minute effort that will pay off in the future.  It does sound like you have a really active program and engaged group, and the fact that they are self-motivated and self-sufficient at keeping some of your gardens going is so important.  Do you all have committees to keep people organized in each of the areas you mentioned (guided hikes, Seed to Supper, a Pollinator Pathway initiative, Farm to School, Speaker's Bureau, and our Hort. Lab)?  That way, new people can find their way into one of these projects easily?

Just curious, since 70 is a large group, I'm sure keeping track of everyone keeps you busy.  I'll keep advocating for a central volunteer tracking system when I can.



