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Greetings from Putnam!

Picture of Becca Ligrani
Greetings from Putnam!
by Becca Ligrani - Thursday, July 16, 2020, 10:03 AM

Hi everyone, I'm excited to be in this course from you all. I'm Becca and have been with CCE Putnam for two and a half years now. I have a food systems background with an MS in Ag. Extension, so I studied a lot of adult learning theory and program planning and evaluation. I also teach Intro. to Food Systems at the Culinary in Dutchess. I don't have any formal horticulture training so this job has been a learning curve in that respect! We have about 70 MGVs in Putnam and most of them are active. I've been holding their toes to the fire a little more in terms of reporting their hours so more people have become active since, even though we lost a few because of inactivity. 

It's hard to choose what the volunteers are most excited about but I think collectively their favorite thing is probably the May Plant Sale. This year was a bummer for them because we took the Plant Sale virtual and therefore there were fewer roles for volunteers. They love setting up their plant stations and talking to the public when we do it in person. It is an exhausting event so I think some of them were secretly glad we didn't have it, ha! I am proud of how quickly we got our plant sale online, and now we have an online marketplace for future years too. We surveyed our customers and about 3/4 of them want an online option in the future. So next year we are thinking of having a hybrid plant sale with online pre-orders, and a one day in-person sale/pick-up, as long as it's safe to do so. 

Various groups of volunteers would tell you that they are most passionate about their individual projects. We have three demonstration gardens, two of which are used to grow produce for donation to a local food pantry. The teams who run these are very self-sufficient and dedicated to making their gardens the best they can be. We've also got guided hikes, Seed to Supper, a Pollinator Pathway initiative, Farm to School, Speaker's Bureau, and our Hort. Lab. Our two program priorities are Climate Change and Food Systems so we try to have most of our education fall under these topics. I feel lucky to have the volunteers we do; they care so much about doing good work that makes a difference. 

Picture of Donna Alese Cooke
Re: Greetings from Putnam!
by Donna Alese Cooke - Friday, July 17, 2020, 7:47 AM

Hi Becca,

Welcome! You bring so much talent and expertise to your program- please do not get hung up on not having that formal horticulture training - it is really such a small part (unless you are doing lab diagnostics or were hired as a content specialist), and your other areas of expertise will be what keeps your program thriving.

For those volunteers who are struggling for hours right now, or are inactive due to COVID, why not welcome them back by offering to share some of these new training materials, perhaps ask for a review and their feedback of some of the readings/videos/activities/content. MGV's love to keep learning and they may be happy to do so, and they can share what they learned with the rest of the group.


Picture of Kristen Ossmann
Re: Greetings from Putnam!
by Kristen Ossmann - Friday, July 17, 2020, 4:47 PM

Hi Becca, 

The pollinator garden looks amazing and it sounds like you are doing great things with your programs. 

I would like to get more involved in food system programs this year. Also, I would love to know more about the online plant sale set up. Several of my MGs are interested in doing something similar and it would be great to get information on how it went for you. 



Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Re: Greetings from Putnam!
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Monday, July 20, 2020, 3:42 PM

Hi Becca,

Thanks for these beautiful pictures and background on your program.  I'm really glad to hear that your focus areas are climate change and food security, as these are two areas we are hoping to get all MGV programs to focus on with their programming in the coming years.  Thank you for taking the next steps for an online plant sale, I'm sure that was a huge last minute effort that will pay off in the future.  It does sound like you have a really active program and engaged group, and the fact that they are self-motivated and self-sufficient at keeping some of your gardens going is so important.  Do you all have committees to keep people organized in each of the areas you mentioned (guided hikes, Seed to Supper, a Pollinator Pathway initiative, Farm to School, Speaker's Bureau, and our Hort. Lab)?  That way, new people can find their way into one of these projects easily?

Just curious, since 70 is a large group, I'm sure keeping track of everyone keeps you busy.  I'll keep advocating for a central volunteer tracking system when I can.



