Discussion Forum: Garden Planning Activity

Vegetable garden plan

Chicago Botanical Garden 2018
Vegetable garden plan
by Maria D Peraza - Friday, October 21, 2022, 6:49 AM

I'm going to be honest, I've never been much of a veggie gardener I prefer flowers. But a few years ago a friend of mine started sharing her vegetable plants with me and I started growing some vegetables. First I created a 4 by 4 raised bed and planted an indeterminate tomato plant that got huge and took over the whole area. Little by little I've been learning from my mistakes. I now have 4 raised beds but one is occupied with raspberries that I need to move somewhere else. 

I've never been much of a planner when it comes to my garden mainly because of lack of time. Last year I grew so many tomato plants that I shared with neighbors and friends. I donated some plants and I even planted a couple of plants in an open area for the wild animals to enjoy and hopefully leave my plants alone. 

Planning a garden for this assignment is helping me see a more organized way to garden and hopefully develop better techniques like succession planting and intercroping to get the most from my little garden. So for this assignment I'm envisioning a vegetable garden in the front of my house since it faces the south and it's an open area with only a few small trees far away . I would like to have five raised beds using one to grow some herbs. The issue I was facing was I like growing different varieties of tomatoes and peppers and very few other vegetables so in order to do crop rotation I would have two solanaceae crops in two different beds that I was going to have to rotate. I had to decide on which varieties I really wanted to grow and on a various other crops from different families that I wouldn't mind growing. I also would like to have trellises on each bed in order to grow more things upright without shading the other vegetables. Any suggestions? 

So this project has given me a lot to think about for next growing season.

Picture of Frances Traver
Re: Vegetable garden plan
by Frances Traver - Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 11:21 AM

Unlike you I started with the vegetables and now have moved onto flowers. I still love the vegetables. It is exciting to eat what you have worked so hard to grow. There is something rewarding about it. 

I  liked the planning desi.gn assignment because it gave me inside into using the space more effectively with succession planting

I also never really thought of why I planted the  Tomatoes near the peepers but I always did. So even an old vegetable grower can learn new ideals.

Fran Traver