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Site Assessment Resources to Supplement "Right Plant, Right Place"

Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Site Assessment Resources to Supplement "Right Plant, Right Place"
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Monday, August 3, 2020, 1:44 PM

Hi Everyone,


After our discussion today about how our "Right Plant, Right Place" content was too heavily focused on soils, I wanted to offer some other resources that we might consider adding to this section.  The first is a presentation on "Ecology for Garden Design" which goes into those other sites conditions beyond soil that you would want to consider (abiotic & biotic:  limiting factors like precipitation, landform, sun, soil, geology, climate, percentage organic matter throughout the growing season, living mulches, etc.).  

1.  Ecology for Garden Design (2015, CGBL):

2.  Site Assessment - Urban Tree Focus (Bassuk, 2019) - Attached

3.  Site Assessment for Better Landscapes and Gardens (Mazza, 2013)


We'll look back through this powerpoint given your feedback and see where we can expand it to include more of this holistic, ecosystem thinking perspective in this section.  Thank you for bringing up this gap - it is something we cover well in our other courses (permaculture, organic gardening) but failed to include here.


