Discussion Forum: Peer Learning Networks & Community Engagement

Reflecting on the Past Few Months

Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Reflecting on the Past Few Months
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Wednesday, July 22, 2020, 11:21 AM

Hi Everyone,

I'll get the conversation going this week by using this forum as a place to reflect on our work together during these trying times.  I feel like my job, now more than ever, is to connect and share inspiration from across the network of people in this group, and to strengthen our focus and sense of purpose together to be proactive in the recovery for NYS.  For me, that sense of purpose comes down to food security efforts right now, with a long-term focus on adapting to climate change through gardening education.  So how does that translate to online and in-person training, and engaging a diverse set of volunteers through the fantastic work you all do?

First and foremost, it is about providing information in a format that is engaging and inspiring, with a common message.  During the pandemic, I've been trying to do that through the "Just Plant It, NY!" campaign of beginner gardening education on our website and facebook pages, and monthly webinars on Sustainable Landscapes Lunch & Learn Topics and Seed to Supper Webinars.  Also, through sharing the amazing online programming you all are doing through our newsletter, so we reach a wide audience. 

Someday, Cornell Garden-Based Learning hopes to hold in-person workshops again, on topics like sustainable Food Forest Trial Garden programs, but in the meantime we are planning a lot of online opportunities, including the upcoming virtual Ag In-Service, and growing our knowledge about really engaging online programming.  Please share what you and your volunteers have found most successful at this time - this is an opportunity to expand our reach to new groups and communities while many are still at home, and get many of our MGV on the same page as far as our resources are concerned.  Some of the highlights from the last few months for me:


 - Counties working through local libraries to stream horticulture to a larger audience, many low-cost, free or sliding scale opportunities

- Screening a permaculture movie statewide through Zoom

- Sharing our Cornell Garden-Based Learning Library Moodle Course with educators and volunteers to support our transition to remote volunteer training for over 30 people.

- A growing interest in the Seed to Supper program statewide

- A huge uptick in interest for our Permaculture Online Courses  - 200 people and counting!


Thank you for your continued work to adapt to these changing times with creativity and grace!  Thank you for being a part of this important work at this time.


Picture of Erica LaFountain
Re: Reflecting on the Past Few Months
by Erica LaFountain - Sunday, July 26, 2020, 10:42 AM

I just wanted to take a minute to congratulate you Ashley. You are doing a truly amazing job of amplifying the ideas and accomplishments of the counties by connecting us together for forums, classes, listservs etc. Your work to promote statewide priorities and programs to the counties is paying off too. I've learned so much since I started and can contribute much of that to your efforts.

Thanks so much for your hard work, and keep it up!

Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Re: Reflecting on the Past Few Months
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Monday, July 27, 2020, 1:39 PM

I'm glad it has been helpful!  I'm hopeful we'll be able to meet some of the new coordinators in person at least by 2021 - we normally do that in the November Ag In-Service,  and it is a great way to get to know other coordinators around the state.    


Picture of Laurie VanNostrand
Re: Reflecting on the Past Few Months
by Laurie VanNostrand - Monday, August 3, 2020, 9:45 AM

I recently saw a post on my FB from Oregon Permaculture class - they were teaching one small component as a project. Spiral Herb Garden.
