Welcome and Introductory Discussion Forum


Picture of Barb Neal
by Barb Neal - Monday, July 13, 2020, 12:50 PM

I have a relatively active group of Master Gardeners, around 25 gardeners and about 15 other folks who did the program but volunteer somewhat sporadically.  Main activities are:  planting and maintaining a beautiful demonstration garden at our CCE offices (which is also a county office building), beautifying the Village of Owego, producing food for food insecure folks in a few gardens and teaching folks--mainly kids--how to grow food, doing events (but not this year), a Grow Line, and more.

I am most proud of our demonstration garden and the dedication our Master Gardeners have to our work.  They love the demonstration garden and work to improve it every week. The pictures are of the herb garden and shade garden.  We also have roses, annuals, native landscape garden, pollinator garden, and unusual shrubs.  Planning to add a sun perennial garden this fall.

Picture of Donna Alese Cooke
Re: ban1@cornell.edu
by Donna Alese Cooke - Tuesday, July 14, 2020, 9:45 AM

Hi Barb,

Gorgeous gardens! Their dedication shows from the hard work they do in your demo gardens. Have they been able to do any outreach education with youth at all? I know it's a challenge this season, but what have you done in the past?

Picture of Ashley Miller Helmholdt
Re: ban1@cornell.edu
by Ashley Miller Helmholdt - Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 10:12 AM

Hi Barb,


This is a truly beautiful demonstration garden!  You all are doing some amazing work.  Would you mind posting that picture of your "gleaning" cart too?  That was a great idea!

Thanks so much for your work, and for the fantastic videos you helped develop for this course!


Thanks for joining us and for working with your regional team to take on the Moodle course challenge for your MGV training!
