Syllabus / Curriculum

This is a self-paced online class.  All MGV trainees will start at the same time, but the progression rate through the class may differ.  
The Putnam - Dutchess 2022 Curriculum  gives the overview of the class curriculum with Zoom meetings, Chat Rooms and Saturday Sessions identified.  Try to keep up with the schedule using the Zoom sessions and the Saturday on-site dates as your checkpoints.  
All designated Knowledge Check Quizzes need to be completed by November 30 and your Action Project / Presentation ready by the first week of December. (Schedules for the reviews of the Presentations are TBD starting November 30). Your coordinator will set these dates later in the course.

Click Below to see the detailed Syllabus

Putnam - Dutchess Curriculum 2022

Última modificación: lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2022, 16:27